David J. Thaddeus has taught architectural structures for over twenty five years. He was born in Beirut, Lebanon, where he received a B.E. in Civil Engineering from the American University of Beirut. He moved to the U.S. in 1985. While working on his M. Arch at the College of Architecture at the University of Houston he was the ?go to guy? for help with any and all structures questions for grads and undergrads alike. After graduating, David went to work in an architectural office in Houston. However, when the College of Architecture at UH suddenly needed a new structures professor, he was the unanimous first choice candidate and received the tenure track appointment.
Prof. Thaddeus has been teaching Architectural Structures and all Levels of Architectural Design ever since. He earned tenure both at The University of Houston, Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture and at the School of Architecture at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. At UNCC / SoA, he also earned the title of full professor. Throughout his career, besides teaching required and elective architecture courses, Prof. Thaddeus has always taught review classes in structural topics to interns studying to take the A.R.E. He is also a registered architect.